Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Emptying Our Hearts

Sunday night at youth group, my youth pastor was explaining to us that we are all like sponges.  A sponge soaks up water and retains that water, but when your done using it if you don't wring it out and drain the water from it, it then mildews.  No one likes a mildewed sponge.   You see we are like sponges, God fills us with love, and hope until we are full, but if we don't go and pour out that love and hope into others, then we will have a "Stail" faith.  We will feel like God isn't moving in us.  Because He fills us up so we can pour out our hearts, of love and hope into others.  Once we have emptied ourselves, and feel like we can't go on anymore,  He fills us right back up.   The main thing that my youth pastor wanted us to take home was "Though God has intersected with our hearts, through us He intersects with the rest of the world."   God fills us up so that we can be His hands, and feet.  We are His body, and we need to use, the love and Hope, to witness and bless others.  Once we are tired, worn, and feel stretched to our limit God fills us more and says "You can go a little further."

"A Generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." -Proverbs 11:25

Kaitlyn and I feel worn, overwhlemed and just about stretched to our limit, but God has filled us back up and is telling us to go just a little further.   We are taking the step, pushing just a little further, to bless and benefit the lives of others.  We want to raise $60 to by 10 blankets through "Samaritan's Purse" and they will be sent to those in need.   We would love it if you would help bless these people.  We are hoping to do something like this every month, and we are hoping that you all will jump beside us and help make a difference.

I know that everynight when I get into bed I cannot fall asleep with out a blanket over me,  but yet again a blanket is something I take for granted, It never clicked in my mind that not everyone has a blanket.  I'm sure everyone takes blankets for granted.  So this Christmas, lets pour ourselves out and spread God's grace an love.

If you would like to help purchase these blankets, you can make a donation to this "Chip-In"  below.  (NOTE: When you make the donation send it as a gift that way no fees get taken out!)  Thank you in advanced to those of you who help. :) 

Proverbs 3:27 "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power." 

God Bless,

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